Friday, January 28, 2011

Mina Perhonen Dresses

Mina Perhonen
mina perhonen

Lately I see Mina Perhonen's design everywhere (this week at Ermie blog for example). That's just fine as I can't get enough of their textiles and fashion.
These two photos (by Mooocha Akeshin on Flickr) caught my attention as they show Mina Perhonen's dresses in such a different way than the meticulous manner they are usually presented.


  1. okay have I died and gone to heaven?? So many delightful garments here - I love the green jacket/coat in the first photo and all the skirts are pretty well to die for!!! Have a fab day lovely lady, TK xx

  2. Yes the pics look great, magic. I think you would look great in such a dress ;)

  3. Uhh, that looks great!!
    Cool pictures and even better dresses! I need to have them all :)
    Have a nice weekend and I am happy to hear that you have enjoyed my Paris wanderings :)
    Viele Gruesse, Kristina

  4. Hello, Nice to find your blog!
    A little information for you- Akira Minagawa, the creator of the Mina Perhonen label and head designer is a "he" :)
    His designs are amazing, and thanks for mentioning my blog!

  5. Thanks Jennifer for the correction!!
    Happy to see you here!
