Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hello Slow Noodle!

Good day lovelies!
Don't look so confused! You are at the same old place that just got a new name and a bit of a face-lift.

So why the name change?
For a long time now, I felt the blog's old name doesn't work anymore.
When I first started posting, almost 2 years ago now, the aim was to have a personal space where I document our travels and experiences in Australia. We are avid on the Slow Life idea and that's where the original name came from.
One thing lead to another and I found myself spending much more time collecting and sharing inspirational art, design and handmade finds. Although I wanted, and still want, to spend more time writing about slow living ideas, this space is more about art and design than anything else.
For the ones who hang here for long enough, you know I like to change the design once in a couple of months. It is both to keep me from getting bored and for you to have a fresh and interesting 'new' place to come to.
The name issue was a bit bigger than that. Slow Lane Note is not that unique name, you have to agree, and I felt it was blocking me and doesn't inspire me anymore.
To keep it short and simple, I thought the blog deserves something better.

Why Noodle and how can it be Slow?
Oh, Noodle!!
I love noodles!
Noodles are timeless and are so versatile.
You can find noodles in a spicy hot soup in rural China as well as cold noddles fancy salad in a posh restaurant in Manhattan.
Noodles come in every shape, color, length and taste. They can be salty, sour, or even sweet!
Slow Noodle is when you take your time to appreciate your dish, noodle by noodle, while enjoying the most of it and savoring every moment while you're eating.
This is what I want this place to be for you.
A place where you you can relax, have a slow time to enjoy beautiful and inspirational things. Things that are timeless. Things of comfort and joy. Things of great design. Things that are living in harmony with their environment. Things that are not a gimmick but are here to stay and give us a sense of emotional well-being.

And above all, noodles are a little happiness. Have you seen anyone not looking happy while having noodles? There you go!

The Slow Noodle is going by the same spirit of the old good Slow Lane Note; More good, less bad. I hope you feel comfortable and inspired by the new name and little design changes and as me, you are passionately curious as for the next to come!
I'm getting back to posting regularly as from today!! Thank you for being so patience with me!
And now, enough talking (I'm pretty sure that this is my longest post e.v.e.r!), the weather si so nice outside and is calling for a walk.
See you here, at the Slow Noodle, tomorrow! Love, Galit xx

More updates to come soon...

Pohtograph: Untitled by Bobby Stokes


  1. love the new changes! mmm...noodles :)

  2. I love it .... but I have always loved your blog !!!

  3. will never look at a noodle bawl the same.. you've educated me

  4. hey, i like the new lay-out, nicely done. I never really thought of your name as not fitting, but the new choice is ok too :)

  5. Noodles are a little happiness. Ditto.
    Love the new design and this cute name.
    Happy to have you back :)

  6. we love the new look and the new name. and we love noodles too.

  7. Your blog really is somewhere to relax, I love it! The new design looks great!!!

  8. I love the new name and the new look!! Well done :)

  9. Love this! Great new name and style. P.S. I mentioned it today. :)

  10. From one emotional girl to another (thanks for you comment by the way, and yes - I have been know to cry at songs whilst driving too! For no particular reason at all). I like the new look, havn't been over to your other blog yet but am just off there now.

    ps. I havn't found what I was after yet but I am still looking, time keeps escaping me though! xx

  11. I'm surprised that this name wasn't taken. Happy you snagged it because I think it fits perfectly.

  12. Great name! :)
    Change is always good.
