Thursday, February 17, 2011

Inspiration Elsewhere

lady croissant Talking Trees project
/// I can't have enough of Adeline's Talking Trees project.
This one might be my recent favorite quote:
"Turn your can'ts into cans and your dreams into plans"
(by Te Maari) (via)

Buff Diss Masking Tape Landscapes
/// A great form of street art: Berlin-based Australian
Buff Diss presents his work in the nooks and crannies of
the urban landscape (via)

/// Such cute idea for a blog: Katrina (who's behind
the great puglypixel) collecting 10 Pretty Things for each
post. These Millinery Flowers from The Gilded Bee are so sweet!

/// I love the way Dead Fleurette is presenting her
fashion finds. This one made me smile.

/// Dainty photography by Nico (via)

/// This nifty little web site from Kurt Riedi made me
smile today. That's our weather for today and tomorrow.
Check out yours here (Via)

JP books on That Kate blog
JP books on That Kate blog
JP books on That Kate blog
/// I'm always fascinated by book covers in different languages, 

especially for classic literature. Kate captured some of these 
at a Japanese book store in London.

/// Danica is one intriguing girl with an exquisite 

taste (she's also the one responsible for the 
2nd find).  I'm currently addicted to her 
mixtapes. Listen here.

Friday is almost here! I hope you're week is treating you well! xx


  1. Love that quote. I have to write it down for myself not to forget it!!! All those are such a fun finds and I love the new look! It rocks:) Hugs and kisses, sweetie

  2. What a great roundup of inspiration! I love your blog!

  3. Amazing finds. I am especially drawn to the Japanese books and of course Adeline's Talking Trees (love her).

    Also I love the new look and name :)

  4. Too much awesomeness in one single post!!!
    First, thank you so much for featuring Talking Trees, it means a lot.
    Dead Fleurette is a GEM.
    How fun is Kurt's website, right? When he got started, there were only the 'main' cities so I got in touch and he was kind enough to add Oslo and make me super happy.
    It's a small world, Danica is one of my favourite people! She hosted Ada a little while ago. Sorry I haven't introduced you guys earlier.

  5. Love the talking tree.. how sweet.
    Great post. Off to check out some of the links while I sip my tea. ;)

  6. the talking trees project is fab - I adore that photo!! What a great quote to start my day with!!

  7. Wow, you've gathered together so many inspiring artists here...ta so much...

  8. Oh my goodness! i love the weather site! I'm going to check that from now on instead of!

    p.s. loving the noodle!

  9. thank you so much for the mention, galit! i am privileged to be included in such an awesome collection of good finds :)

  10. the talking trees project is so cool! Its like yarn bombing, only its inspirational-quote-bombing!
