Thursday, August 18, 2011

To be adored

TBA To be adored lookbook 2011
TBA To be adored lookbook 2011
TBA To be adored lookbook 2011

From TBA Summer 2011 lookbook. I love the feminine soft look. Perfect for a summer picnic in a sunny meadow with a Jane Austen book in one hand and a chilled Rosé in the other (and a cute deer in the background).

P.S. Talking about Jane Austen, I'm going to watch Jane Eyre on Tuesday. Very excited!! Have you watched it already? Did you enjoy it?
P.P.S. A herd of about ten feral deer found their way to a hill just behind where the Man works, in the Waite Conservation Reserve. I have no idea how they got there and apparently they damage the conservation area where they're roam. We plan a little hike on the weekend to try and photograph them before they're gone. Can't wait!


  1. Jane Eyre is so lovely! Hope you enjoy(ed) it!! :)

  2. So beautiful - the dreamy look is spectacular!
    sounds like a fun weekend, crossing my fingers so that you can present us with some nice pictures of the deer on Monday :)
    we are finally blessed with some summer weather again, I will go hiking in the Alps on Sunday, cannot wait!! :)

  3. those dresses are oh so sweet and lovely, dreamy and romantic. gorgeous.

    I hope you spy some deer on your little hike Galit, that would be very special.


  4. I'm so looking forward to seeing Jane Eyre soon ... it looks wonderful! :)

    PS. I love, love, love TBA ... they make some beautiful clothes! :)
    I hope you get to capture those deer on film.

  5. *swoon*
    That dress in the 4th picture has my name written all over it!

    Hugs and a happy Thursday to you sweetie :)

  6. I haven't watched it yet! Def on my list!
    Michael Fassbender = DREAMBOAT!!!!!!!!!
