Friday, March 4, 2011

Friday Finds:: Autumn

It is Friday again!
This week brought with it cold winds and chilly evenings. No doubt autumn is here.
I have to say that the last couple of months were not considered as summer in my book. It was more likely a very long spring that turned into autumn.
We hardly had any hot days and the grass at the front yard is still green.
I wonder how the winter is going to be, as last year, it was the coldest winter for the last ten or fifteen years and it was sure cold enough for me.
With autumn, the wine vintage season is full on and my man is harvesting grapes and works pretty much around the clock. Good luck South Australian wine makers with this year's vintage! It will be an interesting one.

I'm wrapping the week with some autumnal Etsy favorites.
What are your plans for the weekend? Hope you enjoy the new season, whatever it is in your part of the world!!
See you here on Monday! Galit xx

Slight Clutter Photography /// The Birds - Small linen zip bag by Created by Hannah \\\ Crochet Covered Love Stones by Stitch Happens /// Vintage 1937 John Audubon Antique Birds Figures 189 and 190 by Vintage Scraps


  1. sorry to hear about your chilly days - it's actually been lovely and sunny here in devon (even warm when you get out of the wind) - it's got glenn and I dreaming about summer & holidays & gardens.
    so we have some gardening planned for this weekend and I'm sorting out our little glass porch ready for seeds & seedlings.
    hope you have a lovely weekend.

  2. I'm still wrapping my head around the fact that we are in opposite seasons :). I LOVE LOVE LOVE all of those birdy finds though - no matter what the season!!

  3. Oh wow! Those Crochet Covered Love Stones are just about the cutest thing I have seen all week!
    Hugs and a lovely weekend to you!

  4. While Brisbane seemed to start autumn with more heat and humidity ... the last couple of days have finally turned into cooler temperatures ... I love autumn and the cold, so it's been bliss!! :D

    I've done a little online shopping this weekend ... oops! But I figure I deserve it! ;)

  5. so strange to hear it's autumn already over there. I really love to follow how seasons change around the world, it makes winter over here go by a little faster. Does your husband make wine himself?

  6. Over here (Belgium) it is slowly becoming spring. It has been sunny for a few days now, but still very cold. But we're getting there. :)

    I hope your autumn and especially winter won't be as cold and long as in Belgium because it became a bit depressing.
