Thursday, July 21, 2011

Disney Presents: Dumbo

Disney Dumbo
Disney DumboDisney Dumbo
Disney Dumbo
Disney Dumbo
Disney Dumbo
Disney Dumbo
Disney Dumbo
Disney Dumbo

Parents know this routine - too many times you are 'forced' to watch films you really wouldn't like to.
Such is the case with Disney's Dumbo.
I didn't like it as a kid nor do I like it now. Something in this story doesn't appeal to me and I find it more heartbreaking then entertaining.

Anyway, the Little Miss asked to watch the flying elephant yesterday and while I put it on, trying to keep on what I was doing at the moment, I couldn't miss those opening titles.
Whoa!!! What an explosion of beautiful typography, excellent colour palate and quirky style! I couldn't stop watching!

P.S. Have you noticed the film's year on the third image? MCMXLI which is 1941
P.S.S Trivia: Dumbo is said to be Walt Disney's favorite film made by his studios


  1. there was this one scene in dumbo that used to creep me out when i was little....i can't quite pinpoint what it was though! sadly, i don't remember this film too well, but i do remember really liking it!

  2. I remember sobbing my heart out when I watched this movie as a little girl Galit (when they took Dumbo's Mummmy away...oh!)

    Thanks for sharing those opening titles because they are just equisite and because I could never ever bring myself to watch Dumbo again (the little girl in me couldn't cope!) I would never have known x

  3. they don't make em like they used to.


  4. I love the old timey quality of dumbo, but you're right, it's a really sad story!

  5. Aw, really? I LOVE Dumbo and the message that animals shouldn't be held in captivity. Walt Disney was an animal lover and it's great that he showed that love and message through his movies. I did notice, though, that I was one of the few who wanted to keep watching and loving it.

  6. Amazing frames for sure Galit... it was a favorite of mine growing up. 'Baby of mine' still gets me all teary eyed.
