Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Morning sketchNice getting out of the house for this
Healthy breakfast!Some flowers we collected on the way home
My first ever homemade marmalade! So happy with the way it came out!IMG_3483

... I've been
Drawing stripy hair ladies / Seeing rainbows /
Eating healthy / Collecting flowers on long walks /
Making my first ever homemade marmalade! /
Thinking I should start making something else rather than plates?... /
Celebrating Father's Day in a row-row-row-your-boat style!

It's spring time! Feels like the whole world is sparking and smiling!

Hope you are all great and enjoying the season change! xx


  1. happy spring!! so glad it has arrived xx

  2. Yay for spring! Just wish I could get out there and enjoy it... I've been stuck inside (for days) with a horrid migraine :(

    Are you going to sell any of your plates?... hint hint :)

  3. Loving those illustrations of yours, Galit.
    Ronnie xo

  4. Isnt it so nice outside? we have 24 degrees today!! glorious!

  5. I'm loving this weather so much! It's so funny, it was like someone flipped a switch the minute it became spring. It's amazing what some sun and warmth can do to put me in a good mood :)

  6. i'm on team eating healthy too...it's bad though, i go all day being so good and then by night time i'm craving something unhealthy, ha!

  7. Happy Spring to you Galit!
    Loving your stripey hair drawings.


  8. All so beautiful! Thanks for sharing.
    Just came back from a fall shower outside, here in the other part of the globe and was so happy to see your shining moments :)

  9. Your faces are great, cant wait to see more...and I can see you love drawing...it shows...x..j

  10. I haven't been here in awhile and I realize I've missed it! Your blog is adorable, and I love your photos and illustrations. I'll be back again soon ;)

    I'm having a giveaway this week - one of 6 original watercolor prints, your choice!
    I'd love for you to come check it out!


    Ladaisi Etsy
